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Fancy border radius


Custom border radius

            border-radius: 35% 65% 49% 51% / 73% 23% 77% 27%;

Custom fancy border radius: what is it ?

CSS border radius, short introduction:

CSS Border-radius is shorthand for the properties border-top-left-radius, border-top-right-radius, border-bottom-right-radius, and border-bottom-left-radius, used to set four corners of an element individually. The CSS border-property is a format to configure radii with four properties on border-top-left, border-top-right, border-bottom-right, and border-bottom-left. Either border radius property will accept either one or two values, represented either by a length or percentage (percentage relative to the border-box dimensions in question). The CSS3 border-radius property will embrace either one or two sets of values, each of which is composed of between one and four lengths or percentages.

The WebKit border radius property takes either one or two values, and uses them to style all four corners, creating a nice, symmetrical shape. The border radius CSS generator property takes between one and four length values, or percentages, with one setting the radius on all four corners at once, while four sets each individual corner. As with many CSS properties related to margins, padding, and borders, there are four separate properties -- one for each box-element corner -- and one shorthand property.
The CSS border-radius property can be used together with the border property (or another border-related property) to set an actual border, however, it can also be used without setting these properties explicitly. It is an overall border radius generator , and does not actually need a border in order for it to have an effect. Browser support is strong for border-radius, it has been supported by all major browsers for years (for instance, it is supported as far back as version 9 of Internet Explorer) and does not require any prefixes like -webkit- and -moz-.

Facts infography about the border-radius property

  1. The CSS property "border-radius," which allows you to create rounded corners on elements, was introduced in CSS Level 2 (CSS2) specification. Please note that CSS2 was introduced in 1998, so the border-radius property has been available for use since then.
  2. You can use percentage values for the border-radius property to create responsive and scalable rounded corners. For example, setting "border-radius: 50%" will create a perfect circle regardless of the element's size. (source)
  3. By combining multiple values, you can create complex shapes using the border-radius property. For instance, using "border-radius: 50% 0 50% 0" will create a pill shape with rounded ends. (Source: Smashing Magazine - How To Create A Responsive 8-Bit Drum Machine Using Web Audio, SVG And CSS)
  4. The maximum value for the border-radius property is 50%. Setting it higher than that will not create a larger curve.

Border Radius Generator: Simplifying Fancy Border Designs

Have you ever wondered how web designers effortlessly create those fancy border designs with rounded corners and unique shapes? The secret lies in a powerful tool called the border radius generator. This tool allows designers to generate custom border radius code without the need for complex calculations or coding skills. In this article, we will explore the significance of the fancy border generator, its role in creating fancy border designs, and how it simplifies the web design process.

How the border radius can improve your UX design ?

Web design has evolved significantly over the years, with aesthetics and user experience taking center stage. One popular design element that adds a touch of elegance and creativity to websites is the border radius property. The ability to create rounded corners and unique border shapes can transform a bland design into a visually appealing masterpiece. However, manually calculating and implementing the border radius code can be time-consuming and prone to errors. This is where the fancy border radius generator comes to the rescue.

What is a border radius generator?

A border radius generator is an online tool that simplifies the process of creating fancy border designs by generating the necessary CSS code. Instead of manually calculating and inputting border radius values, designers can use the generator to experiment with different settings and instantly preview the results. This eliminates the need for tedious trial-and-error and enables designers to achieve the desired border design more efficiently.

Creating Custom Border Designs

The fancy radius generator offers a wide range of options to create custom border designs. Let's explore some of the key features and functionalities that make this tool invaluable for web designers.

Adjusting border radius

With this generator, designers can easily adjust the radius of each corner individually or apply a uniform radius to all corners. This flexibility allows for precise control over the shape of the css border-radius property, enabling designers to create various effects, such as rounded corners, elliptical shapes, and even complex asymmetrical designs.

Visual preview

One of the most valuable aspects of the border radius generator is the real-time visual preview. As designers tweak the border radius settings, the generator instantly displays the updated design. This immediate feedback enables designers to make informed decisions and fine-tune the border design until it matches their vision.

Copying Generated Code

Once designers are satisfied with the border design generated by the tool, they can simply copy the CSS code provided by the generator and paste it into their stylesheet. This eliminates the need to manually write or calculate the code, saving time and reducing the chances of errors.

Boosting Creativity with Fancy Border Designs

The border-radius generator opens up a world of possibilities for designers to unleash their creativity and create stunning border designs. Let's explore a few ways in which designers can use the generator to enhance their web designs.

Stylish Buttons

Buttons are a crucial element in web design, often used for calls to action or interactive elements. By leveraging the border radius generator, designers can easily create stylish buttons with rounded corners, giving them a more modern and inviting appearance. The generator allows for fine-tuning the border radius to achieve the perfect balance between aesthetics and usability.