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CSS text animation

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Top to bottom effect:

Replay animation


Bottom to top effect:

Replay animation


Right to to left effect:

Replay animation


Right to left effect:

Replay animation


Right to left effect:

Replay animation


Text animation in CSS

CSS text animations are a powerful tool for adding dynamic, engaging visual effects to your website's text content. In this article, we will explore the various techniques and properties available for creating impressive text animations with CSS, and provide detailed examples and code snippets to help you get started.

Several key techniques to create text animations with CSS:

  • CSS Transitions:These allow you to smoothly transition between different states of an element, such as changing the color or size of text. You can control the duration, easing, and other properties of the transition to create a wide range of effects.
  • CSS Keyframe Animations:These allow you to create more complex text animations by defining a series of keyframes that specify the state of the element at different points in time. You can then use the animation property to control the duration, timing, and other aspects of the animation.
  • CSS Text Shadows: These allow you to add a subtle shadow effect to your text, which can add depth and dimensionality to your animations.
  • CSS Transformations:These allow you to rotate, scale, and translate your text, which can be used to create a wide range of effects, such as scrolling text or rotating words.

Creating a simple text animation with CSS transitions

One of the simplest ways to create a text animation with CSS is to use the transition property. This property allows you to smoothly transition between different states of an element, such as changing the color or size of text. Enhance your text animation by using the glitch font generator to reach the next level of webdesign

To create a simple text animation with CSS transitions, you can use the following code snippet:

    .example-text {
        transition: color 0.5s ease-in-out;
    .example-text:hover {
        color: red;

In this example, we are applying a transition to the color property of the .example-text class. The transition has a duration of 0.5 seconds, and uses the ease-in-out timing function. When the user hovers over the text, the color will change to red.

Creating a complex text animation with CSS Keyframe Animations

CSS keyframe animations allow you to create more complex animations by defining a series of keyframes that specify the state of the element at different points in time.

You can then use the animation property to control the duration, timing, and other aspects of the animation.

Here's an example of how you can create a complex text animation using CSS keyframe animations:

    @keyframes example-animation {    
        0% {
            transform: rotate(0deg);
        100% {
            transform: rotate(360deg);
    .example-text {
        animation: example-animation 5s linear infinite;

In this example, we are defining an animation named example-animation that rotates the text from 0 degrees to 360 degrees. The animation has a duration of 5 seconds, uses the linear timing function, and is set to repeat indefinitely.


CSS text animations are a powerful tool for adding dynamic, engaging visual effects to your website's text content. Whether you're looking to create simple hover effects or more complex animations, there are a wide range of techniques and properties available to help you achieve your desired results. By experimenting with different properties. You can also find our other CSS code generators such as the most complete button generator or the border-radius generator.